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Sunfish North American Regatta
Sailing Foundation Info
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Bob Wire Proclamation

Sailing Foundation News

2021-2022 Board Members

Mike Reisinger - President/Treasurer
Gill Cole - Secretary
Tina Powell              
Tim Dixon                   
Jeff Cox 
Julie Nortell-Briggs
Dave Darneille
Mike Pick
Paul Presney                    

Past Foundation Projects

  • You have been the sponsor of Sea Scout Ship 1-2-3 and Sea Scout Rendezvous.
  • You have helped with the tuition for young sailors to attend the IBYC Sailing School, many of whom where otherwise unlikely to be exposed to sailing.
  • You have helped to bring regattas to Lake Springfield including the Junior Olympics, Tin Man Regatta and have been a major sponsor of Star Western Hemisphere Championship Regatta.
  • You have helped sponsor a race management seminar open to all Illinois sailors to increase the professionalism of race committees and the pool of qualified race committee members as well as the familiarity of sailors with the racing rules.
  • You have assisted with extraordinary needs of the local junior sailing program including purchase of a reliable motor for the training boat and purchase of portable dollies allowing young sailors to independently bring their boats to the water.
  • You have brought in nationally renowned sailing instructors and speakers.
  • You have helped purchase a coaches boat for the jr sailing program.

The Option of Planned Giving

One of the best and easiest ways for you to help us promote sailing is to remember the Foundation in your will. Even a modest bequest can have a lasting effect on our programs for many years to come. Just ask your attorney when drafting a will of codicil to include a provision to "I give IBYC Sailing Foundation, Ltd. the sum of ___." Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions concerning the option of planned giving.

Foundation By-Laws

Below you can find the updated by-laws of IBYC Sailing Foundation, LTD. available for download. All updates to the text have been noted.

By-Laws of IBYC Sailing Foundation, LTD.